Dax Real Estate


Immobilienvermietung in Amsterdam und in der Nähe

Unser aktuelles Angebot

über uns

My name is Dax Wieman of Dax Real Estate, I am 24 years old and live in Amsterdam.

Within Dax Real Estate, I stand for a fair price at a high quality. This means that it is interesting to rent through me,
because I offer the best price in terms of brokerage fees. In addition, quality is of paramount importance: with 4 years of expertise from renting properties for individuals to large investors.

Having successfully rented 100+ properties for many happy clients, Dax Real Estate is also the right place for your rental/relocation needs. This expertise has been gained by working within the relocation of Booking.com.

If you're interested, you can reach me by phone or email via the links on this page.

Hope to see you soon!

Wer sind wir?

Dax Wieman


Unsere Festung